IRONMAN ARIZONA - November 17, 2013
09:25:24 (swim 1:00, bike 4:46, run 3:32)
5th in 30-34 age group and 68th overall
09:25:24 (swim 1:00, bike 4:46, run 3:32)
5th in 30-34 age group and 68th overall
In the end I fell short of qualifying for Kona by 95 seconds. This year there were only 3 spots in my age group. Really sucks for the guy in 4th place. Just gotta go faster!
Although missing a Kona spot is disappointing I still feel proud of my effort. There is always room for improvement and I'll keep chasing the Hawaii dream...after I have refueled with Thanksgiving goodness.
Swim 1:00:56 (~5 min faster than 2012)
Blue Seventy Helix 2nd generation, B70 Vision grey lens (baby shampoo rinse)
Lined up 2nd row middle
Went out hard breathing every 6th stroke
Got some distance from the mob fairly quickly and it was easy to get in a groove of breathing every 3rd stroke
Older wetsuit felt great. I have heard they "dont break in" but the new suits I have tried are not anywhere near as flex
T1 3:45 (~2 min faster than 2012)
Bike 4:46:39 (~4 min faster than 2012)
Cervelo P5-6
Front Zipp 404 with 23mm Conti GP4000s and latex tube @100-105 psi, rear Zipp super 9 23mm Conti GP4000s and latex tube @105-110 psi
Aerobar bottle holder, rear bottle holder
Flat kit in bag between seat and rear bottle
Goal NP was 235 and I was considering this "holding back"
Lap1 went well maybe slightly overbiked
AP240 NP242 HR145
Lap2 AP222 NP224 HR148
Started having trouble taking in my nutrition
I didn't start to drink Perform sports drink till lap2 because in IMC It made me feel crazy bloated. I Still think this was a good idea to hold off on the Perform but need to focus on taking in more gels. They sit better for me.
Lap3 AP203 NP207 HR149
Pee break down the hill (do everything while moving)
The wind picked up and my HR was going up and up
Decided to pull back on the power and try to get my HR down so I could take in more nutrition. The higher my HR the tougher it is for me to digest gels and energy drinks. By slowing down on lap3 I was trying to prevent a bonk early on the run
Power Avg 223
NP 227
HR Avg 147
Cad Avg 89
T2 1:22 (~same as 2012)
Run 3:32:42 (~9 min faster than 2012)
Newton Distance w socks and silk dust
Was aiming for a 3:20 at a 7:35ish pace
Miles 1-9 went surprisingly well and I was believing in my plan to take the last part of the bike easy.
Seeing my mom near mile 4 gave me a big boost then when I came up to mile 5 someone shouted out, "You're first in your age group!"
I made a strong effort to keep my pace near 7:35 despite feeling really frisky but as the run progressed my HR started to drop into the 140s and taking in coke became harder and harder. I was bonking and was convinced my day was over. The pace bottomed out at 9:10 at mile 16. I was puking up bits of the sole bonk bar I ate 3 hours earlier on the bike in hopes of getting some dense calories. Shortly after making room in my stomach I came up to my mom again wich gave me a little lift but I was still struggling. As I came up to the TirForce aid station I saw Kevin Coady, the Man, the Legend. He screamed words of encouragement, "you're doing awesome just don't stop!" Such simple words yet they were 100% spot on. I was doing awesome and all I needed to do was keep going. As far as I knew only one AGer passed me (in reality it was 4) so I said to myself "I'm not out of this yet. Keep taking punches and push on forward. They are going to have to rip this from my dead hands." I forced down coke when I could and gradually tried to pull back some time without going over the edge. As much I as wanted to go sub 7 that last mile I had nothing more to give.
Crossing the finish line was awesome, but I could not help but feel disappointed in my run. I fought back but it was more like I was trying to just survive rather than hunting like a champion. From now on I want to hunt like a champion!
Pace 8:07
HR Avg 153
Cad Avg 96
HR Avg 153
Cad Avg 96
Congrats Jan! I'm sure being this close has you more hungry than ever!