Friday, February 17, 2012

1:22 to 1:10/100yd swimming

FLA Jill 

Feb 17, 12 7:45

Post #2 of 28 (1219 views) 
Re: How you went from 1:22 to 1:10/100yd swimming [klingding] - NEW [In reply to]Quote | Reply

Step 1: go triple your yardage at minimum. You don't get into 1:10 range by technique work alone.

To get into 1:10 range, you need to get into the mentality that feeling like you're going to barf during practice and can barely lift your arms to wash your hair afterwards is a Good Thing. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

TT Torpedo

It's time to transition to the TT position!

FTH repeats are all good for overall fitness, but to take advantage of all that hard work you have to turn that fitness into a TT torpedo.  To do this you need to push power in an aero position.  

How to do this?
Engine Engine! OLH repeats= time in FTH. check!
Now get some easy effort in an aero position.  Be sure to focus on flexibility.
Next step is to build interval time trials in aero position on Canada.  

OLH time is a good indication of general fitness but... you need to know how much you can put out in an aero position to understand how fast you can race.

TT Time!

Running- Stick to the plan!

Running has been going well.  E Pace runs focussing on cadence have been bread and butter over the past 6-7 weeks.  Cadence has been consistently in mid 90s and feels good.

Yesterday thought it might be a good idea to do The Dish to simulate speed skills durning a 10ml run.
Not a good idea!  Keep it simple stupid!  
Legs felt achy and had a moment of RLL pain scary similar to last fall.  Although ITB likely the culprit of this Leg pain best to be safe.  Stick with the plan!
Found this on Slowtwitch.  It really sums up what has work for me in the past and should be the direction for this coming season.  


Feb 16, 12 7:40

Post #1 of 78 (2483 views) 
My running program summed up in 3 pointsQuote | Reply

1 - run easy
2 - run a lot
3 - add 1 or 2 moderately intense race specific workouts as races approach

3 is the tricky part, but if its all confusing for you, your best bet is a tempo run (run kinda hard for 20-60 minutes) and a tempo run of a different variety (slower and longer or shorter and a little fatser).

In either case, consistencey is the key.