Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Consistently & Patience: A 2013 Road Map

"Carry Water and chop wood! "
More of the same but with Consistently & Patience

Great plan laid out last year and ended up with short season because of illness.
Learned a ton and made some great gains despite few races to so for it.

One big race that mattered more than anything I have done in the sport.
It was able to happen because of Flexibility, Patience, Resiliency!

So where to go from here.
Well it's more of the same.
Need to always keep in mind...  Patience!!!  You will get there, but do not rush it.
Consistency is key.  If you rush it you will not be able to keep the consistency.

#1 25x100s keep these going once a week to keep your fitness
 Tower 26 to get to the next level
Gear: Snorkel, buoy, ankle bands. No Paddles!!!
Taught and straight- Swimming fast forces this
4x1000s once a week
1: 4x250 20sec rest 70%, 75, 80, 85 w/gear
2: 10x100 3-7sec rest Hard!!! 90%
3: 2x500 30sec rest w/gear
2: 10x100 30-60sec rest 95%Hard!!!

Each swim session add in speed work: 50s, 25s if spent from other training or work

Dry land Swim bands 2x 20 min sessions/wk

*Be careful not to let over zealous SR ruin your pacing in the 25x100s

#1Maintain FTH on OLH and with 4x8-10 Trainer
#2MaccaX Overgearing to build race ready powerful endurance
#3Add in long rides

#1 Run easy
#2 Run often
#3Add speed once a week as race approaches

-Good job on this last year especially leading up to IMAZ
-More likely to have an impact on race performance than any training so treat your diet the same way you treat the long rides and FTH workouts
-Aim for 175lbs

The Plan 
Consistently & Patience
Key Sessions listed (the rest is short SS in pool and is easy riding at high RPMs)

-100s and T26 4x1000s
-FTH on OLH 2/wk
-Run E&O

-100s and T26 4x1000s
-FTH on OLH 1/wk & MaccaX Overgearing.  Late January build long Rides
-Run E&O

-100s and T26 4x1000s
-MaccaX Overgearing & Long rides
-Run E,O, & S

-Build to 35x100s
-Race pace bike and run

-Ease into it
-Oly for fun

-Have Fun
-Take inventory

Not a lot up there because in the end it is what I always do but with some Consistently & Patience

2012 In Review

This years review is a bit different.  Only 2 races but some of the best training, some hard lessons, and one awesome day!

"Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it" 
I said this last year and it applies this year as well.

Big goals for 2012, as always.   Needed to revise goals along the way, which is good!
Constantly reevaluate!

2012 Goals
1: Complete first IM
2: Run smart
3. Swim 1.2 sub 30

2012 Achievements:
9:44:48 IMAZ!!!!!!
Missed Kona by about 8mins

Big K
-Sub 30 swim
-Very conservative bike
-Conservative on Run
-Kept it conservative because I did not know what to expect given lack of a build and so much family awesomeness (Toni time!!!)leading up to the Big K
-Felt so good to get back into it.  It was a full year between my last race and this one
-Stay away from fiber the 3 days before (this proved big in IMAZ)

See RR for race details:)
Race Nutrition
Hold race wt in weeks leading up

-1 gel every 20 mins doubled up on some
-Preform 1 bottle
-Banana (missed a gel)
-Bottle of water per aid station
-Double up on water!

-Tried gels at first
-Half way through swapped to coke
-Dont forget to take in calories
-Coke!!!! Might be trying Coke only run in race prep and next time around

2012 Goals Check!
1: Complete first IM!
2: Ran smart- good start!
3. Swim 1.2 sub 30- Got it!

-Entered season with awesome fitness
-Swim mostly on own in races (need to improve swim drafting skills) and poor sighting skills
-Run pacing and speed
-Consistent functional nutrition
-Poor short course speed
-Took months to get to reasonable weight
-Setting limits