Felt like perfect fueling
Dinner Pizza and Steak 13hr before race
Ate more than normal for SC and VM and I think it helped
Minimized fiber day before
2 lg Starbuck double shots (3hr before, 1.5 hr before)
1 Ucan 1 hr before
1 Biestmilch tab 45min before
2 Bottles Coke, 1/2 bottle water
1/2 gel every 20-30 min (3-4 total)
Run 1 bottle coke
The Race
Swim 32:xx
Goggles lens popped out in warmup
Thats why I carry 2 to the start line
Choppy conditions and below avg swim. Others seemed to have similarly slower times compared to prior races
Bike 2:26:xx
NP 266 IF 0.8
Given my current fitness this was the goal and best case scenario so thumbs up!
Mechanical chain stuck under chain catcher. Nightmare!!!! Not sure how I managed to do this but feel lucky I got it out. Cost me a few minutes right out of T1. Stuck with it and focused on power.
Need to get mechanics dialed in
Need to work on fit
6:52 avg pace very even split
Felt really good off the bike. Maybe it's the Dimond. I maxed out the drop of my TT bars as well.
5th AG Going to Australia 2016!!!!