Puking up a Bonk Break (ironic) on the IMAZ run has become a theme
All 3 Ironmans I have done were slowed down by run bonks
If I'm gonna race to my potential I need to work on fueling!
"We’ve proven this concept year after year with some of the fastest run splits across the age group, and PRO levels, including multiple athletes running sub 3:00 and over 27 Kona qualifiers last year. Our athletes have trained themselves to hit the run better fueled than almost all other athletes on the course…..this is the “secret” to how we do it. This is one of our most important concepts used to get results. The primary issue that athletes have with the higher carb approach, if they have any, is that they don’t practice it seriously enough. This would be like doing an Ironman without training at all, and then after DNFing the race saying, Ironman isn’t for me. To be done right, fueling needs to be practiced day in and day out, every single session from 30 minute recovery runs to 6 hour rides – EVERY SINGLE TIME! If it’s a warmer weather race, and you are a heavy sweater, you should likely be drinking 3 to 4 24oz bottles of Powerbar Perform every hour in training. Yes, this is overdoing it, but it takes nutrition off the table as a limiter on race day – you’ve trained yourself to handle more than your body requires, thereby improving your “fueling window”. I can honestly say that I have never seen an athlete who practices their fueling properly have lingering issues on race day. Some need to practice harder and longer than others."
Things I have done to tackle this / Things I need to do to get better
Coke on the run and training leading up to race / Drink more coke (when running!) Can also drink water to get stomach used to liquids.
Gel every 15-20min on MXOG and long rides/ Take gels while going hard and drink Perform
Summary of things to work on
-Drink with every run
-Gel every 15min and sports drink while going hard on bike (not between sets. Smack in the middle)